God’s Love Will Set You Among Kings (3rd October 2020)

Psalm 113:7-8 (HSCB) – He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the garbage pile in order to seat them with nobles– with the nobles of His people.

God always promotes those who are humble and of a meek heart. He guides the meek in judgement and teaches them His ways. He will show those who are humble before him how to relate with the wise and noble in the land thereby winning their hearts to promote and favor them. He always keeps His eyes on the righteous, and He enthrones them with kings and exalts them forever. To live a righteous and humble live is to live a life free from presumptuous sin. Do not be wise in your own conceit but seek to know the counsel of God concerning everything you set out to do or say.


Father please teach me how not to be wise in my conceit in Jesus name.


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