God’s Love Is The Basis For Life (4th June 2021)

1 John 4:9 (KJV) – God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him.

God’s love is the basis for life that is why we want the whole world to run to Him and not run away from Him. When we want to talk to people who are yet to believe, we must take time to explain to them that God is the essence of life, of love and happiness. There is no peace outside of Christ because He holds the key to life and death. God’s voice is powerful when you learn to hear Him speak. His voice comforts, leads, strengthens your heart and reassures you of a better tomorrow. It stills raging storms and silences voices of opposition. When you choose God you choose life and He will shield your heart from being filled with doubt.


Father please help me to discover the true meaning of life with You in Jesus name.

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