God’s Love Will Sow Good of Righteousness (30th March 2021)

Matthew 13:7 (KJV) – And He said, “The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man,

God will plant seeds of righteousness resulting in a huge harvest of souls for the kingdom of God. There will be peace for the seed so that it can thrive in the soil it is planted in thereby yielding its fruit in its season. The land will yield its produce of sons of the kingdom and the heavens will give them their dew at the right time. When the fruits of our righteousness begin to spring up He will instruct us to inherit them all. This is the heritage of the laborers sent into the ripe harvest on the earth and the seed whose fruit is righteousness will be sown in peace only by those who make peace.


Father bring forth worthy laborers that we may go round the earth planting seeds of righteousness in Jesus name.

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