The Love of God will fight for you (9th June 2020)

Deuteronomy 1:30 (MSG) –  The Lord your God which goes before you, he shall fight for you, according to all that he did for you in Egypt before your eyes;

Be very assured that God is the highest, biggest, greatest being you will encounter throughout your life. He is bigger and greater than anything or any circumstance and He will fight for you in His Love. His Love is very expensive which makes Him jealous over our life thus protecting any outsider that seeks to attack His beloved children. Even when satan the accuser is swift to condemn you before your maker because of sin, God never budges on His love for you. He will make a way for your repentance and restitution so that you can remain close to Him. He created every thing including whatever weapon the enemy wants to throw at you. Be rest assured in His defensive love over your life.



Lord help me to always remember that The One who fights for me is stronger, bigger and greater than the enemy who fights against me in Jesus name

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