Fear Not! Everything Will Be Alright (3rd June 2020 )

Isaiah 54:14 (MSG) – You will be built, solid grounded in righteousness, far from trouble-nothing to fear; far from terror-it won’t even come close!

God is a responsible master who delights in seeing His children live right end well. He is our watchman who watched over our lives. He sends His angels to make sure we are safe every minute of the day. When you are met with sudden anxiety about anything, your first and proper response is to remember that God holds the universe and controls everyone and everything on earth. Although fear is a spirit that seeks a grip on our lives, you must remind yourself that you did not create yourself nor bring yourself to this world. God, the creator of the ends of the earth who never sleeps nor slumbers is on your side and He never makes mistakes.



Dear Lord, whenever I am afraid, I will learn to trust in your protective Love.


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